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Sunday, 30 July 2017

Fighter Jet expert photographs UFOs - Sends them to specialist

Fighter jet expert photographs UFOs – and investigators cannot explain them

UFO investigators were unable to explain what this bizarre glowing object snapped over Ohio could possible have been

An aviation expert photographed it high in the sky after ruling out a plane or helicopter.

He sent the image to the US-based Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), the world's biggest organisation dedicated to investigating UFO and alien sightings.

The aviation mechanic described it as a sphere-shaped object, although when blown up the image appears as a bright disk.

He said he snapped and videoed it at 10.07pm local time on June 10, at Mahoning County, Ohio, and there may have been more than one object.

In a report to MUFON, he wrote: "Went out to grab my cell phone charger out of scooter glove box and saw this object or objects hauling across the sky.

“Only had a little bit of time to snap a picture and a bit of video, but appeared to be more than one before I lost sight when the line of trees got in the way.

“Worked on F-16s and have enough knowledge of planes and helicopters to know it wasn’t a plane and it wasn’t arching like falling space objects.”

The witness provided two images and one short video clip with the report.

Ohio MUFON Field Investigator Joseph Pavlansky investigated this case and closed it as an Unknown, as the expert was unable to establish what it could have been.

Roger Marsh, MUFON director of communications, said: "Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made."

Planets are often mistaken for UFOs, particularly ones which appear to hover in the sky.

Scott Brando runs UFO debunking website, and believes a planet may have been responsible in this case.

He told Express . co. uk: "It could be a planet like Jupiter, which was very bright that night on June 10.

However, we need to know where exactly the witness was when he saw it."

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Russian Discovered the real use of Pyramids

Revealing the pyramid energy

Increased regeneration, energy shields, and protection against viruses and bacteria are only a few of the benevolent effects pyramids were found to possess, according to this research carried out by the Russians.

Pyramids continue to intrigue us today as they did in ancient times. These megalithic structures are found all across the globe, and not only in Egypt, as some people would believe.

Most pyramids are found in South America, but there are also pyramids in Asia, North America, Europe, parts of Africa other than Egypt, and also Russia.

Many of these structures have not been recognized by modern-day scholars as pyramids because the interpretation of the time frame when they were built, as well as who built them, is flawed.

The accepted theory that the Great pyramid had been erected about 4,500 years ago during the fourth dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs has been subject of debate ever since its enactment, because the presented proof is arguable to say the least.

Contrary to the common belief that pyramids served the role of burial places for ancient rulers, many researchers have put forward evidence proving that these mysterious structures served more complex roles than previously thought.

Furthermore, the fact that pyramids are spread all across the planet and share so many similarities clearly suggest that our ancient forefathers exchanged knowledge on a global scale, with the pyramid remaining the center piece.

This interconnection shows that pyramids could have been built much earlier than what mainstream science keeps pushing us into believing.

Now, if we reference only to the pyramids found in Africa, where the climate is dry, and the land is lacking vegetation, we’ll expect to find the same level of details on every pyramid.

However,  the passing of time stacks up layers of sediment, enveloping everything, be it natural or artificial, in a thick coat of dirt and vegetation, thus hiding all its features.

To understand this process better, and how it affected ancient constructions, have a look at the pyramid megacomplex in Bosnia, also these pyramids from North America, the pyramid in Romania, and the ones from Russia. Note that because they resemble mountains/hills, they are deemed by mainstream scholars as nothing more than natural formations. But is this really the case?

Since pyramids are so enigmatic and are spread all across the globe, extensive research was done by various parties in order to understand what is so special about these megalithic structures.

The Russians were among the first to exert interest towards pyramids. Dr. Volodymyr Krasnoholovets is a well known researcher from the Institute of Physics in Ukraine with over a decade of pyramid research under his belt. Because of his outstanding results, the Russian government had built a 144 feet pyramid just 1,200 feet (38 km) outside the capital Moscow to honor his wor

Other pyramids were built across some other areas of Russia to serve different purposes. The main materials used in the construction of the megalithic structures were iron and fiberglass.

Some of the effects the pyramids had seem hard to believe, but for the Russian government this is as legit as it gets. Let’s highlight some of their finds;

Some of the pyramids placed on oil fields made the extracted oil 25 percent purer, also the oil well 25 percent more productive.
Poisonous substances under the pyramid became obsolete and would no longer cause harm when in contact with organic materials.
 Some diseases would cure under the energetic effect within the pyramid. One experiment had mice injected with Salmonella, and were then put inside the pyramid. Only 6 percent of them died because of the lethal toxin, compared to 60 percent when they were just kept inside their lab cages.
Before sowing tens of thousands of hectare of land with 20 types of seeds, they were previously stored inside the pyramid. When it was time to harvest the crops, researchers reported a 20 to 100 percent growth compared to crops where seeds were not exposed to the pyramid effect. Other reports even speak of a 400 percent increase in yield.
Pyramids mitigate earthquakes by dissipating the area of effect and intensity, seemingly breaking the main earthquake into smaller tremors.
Spiraling energy has been detected at the top of the pyramid. Russians can measure this kind of energy, which is not electromagnetic energy, but pure zero point energy described by Nikola Tesla. Known as torsion field, or scalar waves, this form of energy can be used for communication, energy, and other applications. It has also been noted that big storm fronts are deflected upon contact with the torsion field.
The Russians charged 5,000 slabs of granite and built cells for inmates with aggressive behavior, and without any extra medication, they showed an improved attitude and behavior, including a decrease in alcohol and drug addictions.
Immune system of living organisms received a boost, also the ability of the body to regenerate faster. Improved regeneration of tissue was also an effect of the pyramid.
All across the pyramid, and up to 93 miles high, the air ionization was much more intense, meaning that air molecules were electrically charged.
Food stored inside the pyramid remained fresh for 2-3 times as long as food kept inside a regular container. Taste additives inside the food started loosing taste, while the natural taste intensified.
Some of these effects may sound bewildering, and would make one ask why there are no pyramids in everyone’s backyard. Well, people do have this kind of stuff, such is the case of this Mexican farmer who placed a 22-foot tall Aztec pyramid on his property after an alien had recommended this to him about 30 years ago.

The communist ruler Ceausescu was also a fan of pyramids. During the 80s, he authorized the construction of a pyramid similar to that of the Russians to see if it indeed yielded the proclaimed effects.

People working within the iron-glass pyramid reported feeling better, some even claimed to have healed diseases, while other infertile women reported having a baby after spending time inside the pyramid. Other recorded results saw an outstanding growth in plants and the purification of tap water.

Although some of the miraculous effects could be due to auto-suggestion or even placebo effect, most of them are recognized on a global level and are proven through hard and soft data.



The Sumerian King List describes how a group of enlightened beings descended from heaven to rule Earth. The total length of their domination: 242,100 years – how is that possible?

The Sumerian King List is an archaic stone tablet written in the Sumerian language. It gives us the names and reign lengths of the kings of Sumer, a region that encompassed the space now occupied by southern Iraq.

Compiled from several different clay tablets, the final part of the King List contains the names of historically attested rulers and cities but these are not the focus of this article. To the forbidden history community, the first, unattested kings on the list present greater interest.

Also known as antediluvian rulers, the first eight kings in the list totaled a reign of 242,100 years, in a mythical period before the great flood swept the area. Mainstream scholars dismiss the existence of these lords and their impossibly-long reigns, citing the fact that no archaeological discoveries support the unusual claims made by the stone tablets. Yet the cuneiform words are there:

“After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28800 years.”

After the first heavenly king’s tenure ended, the scepter fell into the hands of Alalngar, who ruled for 36,000 years. After him, it was En-men-lu-ana‘s turn to sit on the throne for a whopping 43,200 years. The next 5 kings all held office for very long periods of time, the shortest of which lasted ‘only’ 18,600 years.

The coming of the Great Flood – considered by some a global catastrophe – put an end to the reign of the mythical kings.


Kish was an ancient city in Sumer, home of the first historically-documented Sumerian dynasty. The kings in this dynasty had shorter reigns than the ones before them, but they still extended way beyond the expected life span of a human being in those days. The shortest reign belonged to Zamug, ‘the son of Barsal-nuna,’ who remained in power for 140 years.

For a long time, historians agreed these impossible timelines were the result of fiction, their reigns and deeds being hyperbolized to increase the significance of the ancient Sumerians in the eyes of neighboring peoples. By documenting their extremely old history, they could stake a legitimate claim to rule the land. But most historians dismiss the existence of the Anunnaki, the Children of Anu.

They too ‘came down from heaven’ to fulfill their own agenda on Earth. These beings had mastered space travel and although it is said they came here from the twelfth planet, Nibiru, their place of origin might as well have been somewhere else in the galaxy.

We don’t know for sure how man came to be on this planet. Perhaps he is the product of evolution and natural selection. But if humans were indeed created by someone, there is room for the Anunnaki genesis theory which claims man drew his first breath in the laboratories of Anunnaki geneticists Enki and Ninmah. If these beings were able to manipulate and transform Homo erectus into rational, intelligent humans, it goes without saying they were able to prolong their own lives.

This could mean the longevity of the reigns on the Sumerian King List could be interpreted as a reality rather than a metaphor. For all we know, these celestial beings could have been immortal or at least impervious to factors such as aging and disease. If they wielded enough power to be considered gods, it stands to reason they were immune to the troubles that end our lives short.

There is always the possibility that we’re looking for answers in the wrong places and the Sumerian King List is half-fable, half-fact. But amid this controversial topic, one thing is certain: our planet’s history sure is strange.

Indian Gods or Aliens you decide

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